The Truth About Blogging (& Blogging Tips for Beginners)

Blogging is hard. I’m just going to say it. It’s a full-time job without pay, and if you commit to it, you had better be in for the love. Friends interested in blogging have asked me how to get started, so I’m going to share some blogging tips and lessons learned and put it all out there. I started Pura Vida. Sometimes. (PVS) for a few reasons. After I left my last job in integrative medicine, I missed it. For more than 7 years, I had the opportunity to learn from healers and thought leaders like Drs. Andrew Weil, Tieraona Low […]

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2017 Digital Marketing Trends and What They Mean to You

Now more than ever, marketers know more about you and are tailoring their messaging to you specifically, but ultimately you are driving the relationship. As a marketer, I to try to stay ahead of the trends so that I can implement new strategies in a timely way. To do so, I voraciously devour white papers, enthusiastically participate in webinars, and go to conferences when I can. How we relate to each other today is dramatically different than how we did 10 years ago, the prominence of technology and richness of data, has given marketers more information about you than was […]

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