Pixar’s Coco, Hard Conversations, Colorful Memories

Pixar's Coco, Hard Conversations, Colorful Memories - Pura Vida Sometimes - memento

Lately, my four-year-old has been asking some hard questions, perhaps a testament to the times we’re living in: Why do we fight wars? Why do soldiers die? Are you going to die? Does everyone die? We’ve been seeing trailers for Pixar’s Coco for about a year and were anxiously awaiting its release (today!), but given her inquisitiveness, you can imagine my concern. We were invited to an advance 3D screening of the film, so we drove more than an hour across town and arrived on Mexican time…but they let us in anyway. I don’t know who between my daughter, husband, […]

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TEDWomen Takeways: Big Themes & Challenges

Pura Vida Sometimes - TEDWomen Takeaways

It’s been two weeks since I returned from New Orleans where I attended TEDWomen 2017, and aside from the hustle and bustle of life impeding a blog post, I had a lot to process. From Wednesday to Friday, attendees were immersed in talks about identity and race, criminalization of entire communities, forgiveness, reproductive justice, misogyny, assault… We’ve all watched TED talks, from technical to inspirational to heartbreaking. Eighteen minutes here, 15 minutes there. Try three days straight of pure thinking and feeling It’s a lot. And you leave not knowing what to with all this new information. TEDWomen is emotionally-charged, dealing with […]

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