The World Health Organization estimates that more 250 million people worldwide suffer from Lymphedema, yet most people know surprisingly little about the disease, and advice isn’t always good. I don’t define myself by this condition – it’s not a critical part of my identity – but on March 6, World Lymphedema Day, I try to join the effort to raise awareness and understanding for my LE brothers and sisters. I suffer from Stage 3 Lymphedema – it’s uncurable at this point but is treatable. After multiple studies, the jury’s out on whether my case is primary (hereditary) or secondary (caused […]
How to find cute shoes for wide Lymphie feet
When I was first diagnosed with Lymphedema a few years ago now, I reluctantly said adieu to some really amazing pointy-toed, strappy, cute-as-hell shoes. But I didn’t give up. No, not me – not ever. And I wasn’t about to trade in my heels for my nana‘s beige orthotics. After trial, error, and a lot of money invested, I wanted to share with my community some quick and dirty rules on how to find cute shoes for wide Lymphie feet. As context, I’m not afraid to show my compression – I’m becoming bolder by the day, but I also don’t […]
The hidden impact of Lymphedema
Sharing the mental and emotional effects of a physical disease for World Lymphedema Day 2019 It’s been two and a half years since my Lymphedema diagnosis, and I’d like to tell you I’ve adjusted and adapted and everything is hunky dory. But it isn’t. I have a good routine, my swelling is well controlled, and I look almost normal, but there are days when I feel anything but. I’m am backed by a community of “lymphies. “Some of them are far more physically affected than I, while some are triathletes and marathon runners. All deal with the mental and emotional […]
What Can Be Learned from Lymphedema Diagnosis?
Many health practitioners are still figuring out what Lymphedema is, let alone what to do about it. On that patient side, actual Lymphedema diagnosis can be a costly endeavor, an unnecessary formality, a step toward surgery, or a source of affirmation. For me, like most things, it became a matter of knowing the rules so I’d know how and when I could break them. Before I get started in telling you what I did and what resulted, a quick disclaimer: I’m not a health professional, nor am I the most knowledgeable when it comes to Lymphedema (LE) diagnosis, but when […]
Loving Someone With Lymphedema
As many as 200 million people worldwide suffer from Lymphedema, but diagnosis can often leave patients feeling alone and stranded. If you love someone with Lymphedema (LE), there are a few regular habits you can establish to help them feel comfortable, understood, and loved. LE is a dysfunction of the Lymphatic System – the body’s network of filters that helps the Circulatory System clear bacteria, infection, and by-products of blood circulation. Lymphedema can be primary (genetic) or secondary, as the result of trauma or damage to lymph nodes, often as a result of cancer treatment. Fluid back-up in the limbs makes […]
The Upside of Lymphedema
Having Lymphedema is a lot of fun, isn’t it?…said no one, ever. Any lymphie could write at least a few pages about things that make us crazy. Lymphedema is with us every day – it’s here to stay but it doesn’t define or own us. We could live in a state of regret, which is like walking around with an open wound, or we can acknowledge it, make peace with it, dress it up, and move on. Let’s choose the upside of Lymphedema. I attended a mindfulness lecture earlier this month, in which the presenter suggested setting the tone for the […]
Lymphie Legs: Compression & Summer Style
The scorching summer heat and oppressive humidity can make the life of a lymphie challenging, but there are a few physique-appropriate choices in light, breathable fabrics that will carry you through the season in lymphie summer style. I was recently diagnosed with primary bilateral Lymphedema, and had to kick my compression game into overdrive with in the sweltering Arizona summer – sure, it’s a dry heat until monsoons (about now). As far as I can tell, there are two critical factors in looking good at all times: knowing your own style and wearing your look with confidence. Wear something you love […]
Lymphedema: What MDs Don’t Know, What You Can Do
Over the last four years, with extreme swelling in my legs, I saw a number of medical practitioners and tried everything they recommended, all to no avail. Today for World Lymphedema Day, years into my issue but only a few months after diagnosis, I share my story. If for nothing else, I hope to bring awareness to the disease and hopefully spare others the same anguish and confusion. Perhaps the larger issue is that, during the course of my struggles, which began during pregnancy, I spoke with 15 medical practitioners (yes, I counted), including 10 medical doctors – my obstetrician, […]